Please join us in paying tribute to our 2020 winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, Chloe Aridjis’ Sea Monsters, as well as our four finalists: Yiyun Li’s Where Reasons EndPeter Rock’s The Night Swimmers; Maurice Carlos Ruffin’s We Cast a Shadow; and Ocean Vuong’s On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous. We hope you’ll agree that the authors you’re about to hear from represent the full depth and diversity of an amazing year in fiction.

We want to thank everyone who has stood by us under difficult circumstances. At a time when we’re all having to maintain our distance, literature can still bring us together. By supporting PEN/Faulkner, you can ensure that we keep living up to that ideal.

You can help us keep donating free books to DC students. You can help us keep bringing authors into DC schools to inspire the next generation of readers and writers. You can help us continue to hold provocative Literary Conversations for the DC community. You can make sure that we keep being able to recognize major achievements in literary fiction.

You can make a tremendous difference for PEN/Faulkner right now. Any amount you can contribute will definitely help. This is a difficult moment for non-profit organizations everywhere, and we thank you so much for your support.