Brielle Perry

Brielle Perry

Literary Education Programs Assistant

Brielle Perry (she/her) is a writer and educator with a passion for helping people and communities experience the joy and power of creative expression. She grew up in northern Virginia and graduated from William & Mary with a Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature and a minor in creative writing. As a student, she led poetry workshops for young people at a juvenile detention center, co-managed the William & Mary Writing Resources Center, and studied abroad in Bath, England, where she worked at a whimsical bookstore called Mr B’s Emporium of Reading Delights (yes, that is a real place). After graduating, she served as an Education Apprentice with Encore Stage & Studio, where she designed and taught dynamic theatre programs for young people, worked as a Guide in Residence at The Village School, where she explored unconventional, learner-centered educational approaches, and moved to rural Honduras for three months to serve with Leadership Mission International, where she provided ESL tutoring, creative writing workshops, and mentorship opportunities for young women. 

Her poetry has been awarded the William & Mary David C. Jenkins Memorial Scholarship for Creative Writing and has been recognized twice as a finalist for the William & Mary Academy of American Poets Prize. She is also a graduate of the 2023 Poetry Foundation Summer Poetry Teachers Institute. She is honored and excited to be surrounded by so many inspiring artists and committed educators during her time with PEN/Faulkner. Outside of work, she can be found reading, eating ice cream, rock climbing, hanging out with dogs, traveling to another country, or asking her friends existential questions to fuel her poetry.